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FAQ: Bonham High School Construction

Posted Date: 06/26/2018

FAQ: Bonham High School Construction

FAQ: Bonham High School Construction

Answers Provided by Superintendent Dr. Beaty

  • What percent complete is BHS?

The building is approximately 75% complete.

  • Will the building be complete by the first day of school?

            The instructional areas will be complete as well as the multipurpose facility, the cafeteria

and office spaces.  We will be finishing up the other areas in late September but it will

not affect instruction or the normal business of BHS.

  • Why hasn’t the old building been completely torn down yet?

            We are currently waiting on a specialized team to finish abating the asbestos in that

building before we take it down.

  • Can I go to the new school and look around?

            It is not a good idea to go into an active construction site without proper supervision and

permission.  It can be a dangerous place.

  • Can I go into the old school and get a souvenir?

            Sorry, no.  We are not even permitted in the old building while it is being abated and it is

not safe for anyone to enter.  So please do not venture into the old building.

  • Are we going to cut down the trees that are around the old building?

            We are working very hard to preserve the trees in the front of the building.  We will have

them trimmed by an arborist but cutting down a tree is a last resort.

  • Are we going to patch the Nolan Ashmore drive where it was damaged by construction?

            Yes, but we are going to wait until the construction is finished and the large machinery

on site is gone.

  • What are we going to do with all of that dirt piled up in back of the school?

            We will use much of it to fill the cavity left in the ground after the old building is

removed.  Also, some of the dirt will be utilized to construct a detention pond in the field

behind the Vocational building.  If there is any left we will make a determination of what

to do at that time.

  • What are we going to do with the monuments that are in front of the old high school?

            Mr. Prock, Mr. Wakefield and I have been discussing where to relocate those pieces.  We

will also be refurbishing them and restoring the luster they once had.

  • Are we staying within the allotted budget?

            Currently, we are within the confines of the budget.  We have encountered many

surprises along the way but that was to be expected.  We participate in an OAC meeting

(Owner, Architect, Contractor) each week to review progress, problems and the budget.

  • Are we going to have an auction to get rid of the old furniture or are we just going to throw it away?

            An auction will be held in the near future to offer individuals an opportunity to purchase

items they may want.  All items not purchased or deemed to be of no value will be

disposed of.

  • What happened to the gym floor and why did we tear it out?

            Early in the construction phase it flooded due to the construction of the storm shelter.  It

was determined to be the fault of the contractor and therefore, their insurance company is

going to purchase a new floor for that gym.  It will not cost the taxpayers anything to

have it replaced.

·         How safe is the new school for our students and staff?

This building was designed with security in mind.  During the course of the instructional day a visitor will only be able to enter through the front doors by the office where they will have to be buzzed in by the secretary.  At that point they can only go into the reception area and will not have access to the rest of the building without permission.  Moreover, we will still have armed staff members that are trained to respond to intruders.  There will also be increased security cameras throughout the interior and exterior of the building.

·         Where is the student pick-up/drop-off area?

Drop/Pickup is designed to happen at the front entrance of the school.  Drivers will enter into a circle drive from Warpath Drive and after dropping off or picking up they will exit back onto Warpath Drive.  However, this area is also where visitor parking will be located.

·         Where will the entrance for sporting events be?

Yes.  Initially the entrance will be from the student parking area due to the parking lot in the front will not be complete until the end of September.  However, after completion of the parking lot in front of the school all spectators will enter from the circle drive directly in front of the gymnasiums.

·         Where is the parent entrance to the main office?

During the course of the instructional day a visitor will only be able to enter through the front doors by the office where they will have to be buzzed in by the secretary.  At that point they can only go int the reception area and will not have access to the rest of the building without permission.